Kew Road protected cycle lane “a runaway winner”

Richmond upon Thames’ first protected cycle lane has seen its number of weekly average users increase by 82% over the last six months.

The route, along Kew Road, was introduced in 2020 as part of the borough’s response to Covid-19.

With funding from TfL, Richmond Council implemented a system of raised posts (known as wands and armadillos) to protect cyclists from traffic.

The council also introduced a mandatory 24-hour cycle lane in both directions, upgraded the yellow line waiting restrictions to double yellow lines and introduced peak hour loading restrictions (7am to 7pm).

Data collected from cameras on the road have recorded an average of 1,950 journeys per week being made by cyclists along the segregated cycle lane.

This compares to 1,070 in November 2020 and 556 in 2018 – before any scheme was put into place.

Cllr Alexander Ehmann, chairman of Richmond Council’s Transport and Air Quality Committee, said: “These figures are truly extraordinary and we haven’t even hit the summer season where we expect the number of users to grow further still. 

“A tripling of users is a stellar achievement and I’m glad that so many residents and visitors are making use of this great facility.

“Until we introduced this protected cycle lane, Kew Road was essentially operating as a free parking-lot for cars and coaches. As a result of this, the northbound cycle lane was dangerous and inaccessible for cyclists during most of the day.

“The council will be determining the future of the Kew Road arrangements at a January meeting of the Transport and Air Quality Committee. Today’s figures show that there can be no doubt on usage – that this scheme is a runaway winner.

“These figures underline the importance of TfL working constructively with Richmond Council to make much needed changes to cycling provision over Kew Bridge, where TfL’s recent alterations have arguably made it the weakest part of this corridor.”

16 June 2021