
Road safety contacts

Paul Garside | Travel Awareness Officer | 020 8770 5576 |
Claire Smith | School Travel Plan Advisor | 020 8770 5937

Elected members

Cllr Paul Wingfield |


The police monitor and enforce prevention of speeding and anti-social driving behaviour on the roads.  Where these have resulted in personal injury collisions, the police investigate and collate information and record them in the accident database.

The highway authorities, traffic and transport engineers and practitioners use these records in determining the most suitable measures to address issues and improve road safety where necessary.

Traffic management

Traffic calming measures
These are intended to reduce vehicle speeds, thereby reducing the number and severity of road traffic accidents, and to discourage drivers from cutting through residential side roads.

Some of the options commonly used are:

  • Speed cameras
  • Central island refuge
  • Priority give-way
  • Junction table or entry treatment
  • Road narrowing
  • Speed cushions
  • 20mph limits

Traffic management measures
These are measures which actually restrict traffic movement, often by physical means. These measures require the introduction of Traffic Management Orders to be legally enforceable by the police.

Some of the options commonly used are:

  • Mini roundabout
  • Priority give-way

Click here to find out more about these options.

Safer Routes to School
Under the Education and Inspections Act 2006, there is a general duty on local authorities to promote the use of sustainable travel and transport. An assessment of the travel and road safety improvement needs for each school and strategy are highlighted and generally tackled through the production of a School Travel Plan (STP).  

Safer Routes to School initiatives aim to improve the environment and the safety on roads around the schools to enable and encourage pupils to walk and cycle to their schools.

They usually involve a package of road improvement measures supported by other school and community activities using incentives and education, providing the infrastructure and skills to make walking and cycling safer and a smart choice.


Environmental Services 
24 Denmark Road 